Huffington Post 12/13/13: Deadly Breakups: How to Talk About Teen Dating Violence. Ever since my daughters were small, I have inundated them with broadcasts about the perils of life. Since they could walk and talk, I professed the danger of strangers, and ensured that they looked both ways before crossing. I followed suit later with bigger rules. Don’t drink or text and drive. Don’t go to the bathroom alone at a concert and never get in a car with someone you don’t know. I felt like I was doing my Mom job. When I met Mary Dunne, however, I realized that I was merely scratching the surface.
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End Rel. Violence $0.00
Know the Signs $0.00
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The Lauren Dunne Astley Memorial Fund
Our mission is to promote dynamic educational programs, particularly in the areas of the development of healthy teen relationships, the arts, and community service.Poster Campaign: Posters4Lauren
48 Hours: Breakup Violence Documentary “Loved to Death”
Boston Globe: Parents of slain teen dedicated to ending dating violence
Preventing Breakup Violence
Beautiful Children’s Book
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The board of the Lauren Dunne Astley Memorial Fund is greatly appreciative of the pro bono legal services of Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C and of ML Strategies for advice and research.